
Stay on top of the news that directly impacts the Forex, Index and Commodity markets.


Stay on top of the news that directly impacts the Forex, Index and Commodity markets.

Trading Opportunities from Japan's Shock Interest Rate Decision

This is only Part 2 of a 3-part series containing a full 21 page analysis, highlighting the global opportunities as a result of the introduction of negative interest rates in Japan. Click here to access the full analysis. ...

February 25, 2016
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Bank of Japan opts for negative interest rate, but Yen soars

This is only Part 1 of a 3-part series containing a full 21 page analysis, highlighting the global opportunities as a result of the introduction of negative interest rates in Japan. Click here to access the full analysis. ...

February 24, 2016
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Point & Figure Analysis – A Japanese Cliffhanger

Annihilation of the Yen  It was the year 2013. Some interesting events took place that caused some reverberations in global markets. The once one booming city of Detroit (known for its car manufacturing) filed for bankruptcy and the US government s...

February 24, 2016
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Be prepared and trade smart with the MT4 Genesis Session Map

Forex is one of the heaviest news driven markets in the world. Major news announcements play such a critical role to the intraday volatility, which in turn create trading opportunities. Most of the time, particularly for the active traders, market vo...

February 24, 2016
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Where to for the Aussie dollar in 2016?

Another year down, and another year spent under pressure for the Australian dollar. If January’s performance is any indication, 2016 may very well be another year spent on the ropes, with solid losses of over 5 percent in January alone. While it is...

January 28, 2016
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MT4 Genesis: Useful and practical trading tools

MT4 Genesis - Our Top MT4 Trading Tools Like any other successful person in their chosen field, you also need the proper trading tools if you are to become a successful trader. Trading tools play an important part in your trading success. Given the...

January 28, 2016
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Groundhog Day at the RBA, but where next for the Aussie dollar?

Yield Advantage Beginning 2014 trading around $0.89, the Australian dollar remained remarkably resilient throughout the first half of 2014, reaching highs of $0.95 at the beginning of July, buoyed by a yield advantage over its global counterparts as ...

November 6, 2014
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Why Trade or Invest in Physical Precious Metals?

From geopolitical unrest to trigger happy central bankers cranking up the printing presses (quantitative easing), it’s apparent why market participants turn towards the natural safe haven qualities of physical precious metals when the chips are dow...

August 29, 2014
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What Every Trader Should Understand About Margin Forex

There is no disputing that trading leveraged products such as Margin Forex can be an effective and simple way of gaining exposure to your desired currency pair. However it’s imperative that every trader develop a deep understanding of what it means...

August 8, 2014
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What Currency Should an Independent Scotland Use?

With the referendum on Scottish independence fast approaching, the debate as to what currency an independent Scotland should use is becoming hotly contested. Should Scotland Say Goodbye to the Pound? Independence would mean the creation of a new, u...

March 13, 2014
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Will the Chinese Renminbi Become the New Dollar?

As topics go it's a pretty hot one and frequently debated in the foreign exchange community: Just when will the Chinese renminbi -- also known as the yuan -- becomes fully convertible and freely tradable? This has been vexing the minds of academics,...

March 12, 2014
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What if Keynes Had Won the Argument on a Global Currency?

The Breton Woods conference of 1944 is best remembered for establishing the IMF, World Bank and WTO. But the conference also saw John Maynard Keynes make a fascinating proposal for a global currency, a proposal the United Kingdom adopted as its offic...

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Would Dissolving the Euro be Good for the EU?

It may not be the headline news, it was in the summer of 2012, but the eurozone is still in crisis. Unpopular technocratic governments remain in place, Greece and Cyprus are still propped up by Germany's whims as lender, and unemployment remains spec...

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